California Npi Number Area Code 858

California NPI Number Area Code 858 is a crucial identifier for healthcare providers in the Golden State. This comprehensive guide delves into the purpose, format, and usage of NPI numbers, exploring the geographic region covered by area code 858 and providing a table of healthcare providers with NPI numbers within this area.

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National Provider Identifier (NPI) Numbers in California

California npi number area code 858

National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers are unique 10-digit identification numbers assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. They are used to identify providers for the purpose of insurance billing and other administrative functions.

The format of an NPI number is as follows: XXXXXXXXX01, where the first nine digits are the provider’s unique identifier and the last digit is a check digit.

Here are some examples of valid NPI numbers in the 858 area code:

  • 123456789001
  • 987654321001

As of 2023, there are over 1 million NPI numbers issued in California.

Area Code 858 in California

California npi number area code 858

Area code 858 is a telephone area code in the U.S. state of California. It was created in 1998 as a split from area code 619.

Area code 858 covers the following geographic region:

  • The city of San Diego
  • The cities of La Jolla, Del Mar, and Solana Beach
  • The communities of Carmel Valley, Torrey Pines, and University City

Area code 858 is home to a number of major healthcare providers, including Scripps Health, Rady Children’s Hospital, and the University of California San Diego Medical Center.

Healthcare Providers in the 858 Area Code

Provider Name Specialty Address Phone Number
Scripps Health Hospital 9800 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 626-2000
Rady Children’s Hospital Pediatric Hospital 3020 Children’s Way, San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 576-1000
University of California San Diego Medical Center Academic Medical Center 200 W Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103 (858) 688-8000

Using NPI Numbers to Find Healthcare Providers: California Npi Number Area Code 858

Npi physician docs recipient

NPI numbers can be used to search for healthcare providers in a number of ways.

One way is to use the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website. The NPPES database contains information on all healthcare providers in the United States who have been assigned an NPI number.

Another way to search for healthcare providers by NPI number is to use a private insurance company’s website. Most major insurance companies allow users to search for providers in their network by NPI number.

Using NPI numbers to find healthcare providers has a number of benefits. First, it ensures that the provider you are searching for is a legitimate provider.

Second, it allows you to compare the credentials and experience of different providers before making a decision about who to see.

FAQ Compilation

What is the purpose of an NPI number?

An NPI number is a unique 10-digit identifier assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. It is used for administrative and financial transactions in the healthcare system.

How can I find healthcare providers in the 858 area code?

You can use online databases that allow you to search for providers by NPI number or other criteria, such as specialty or location.

What are the benefits of using NPI numbers?

NPI numbers streamline patient identification, reduce administrative costs, and improve the accuracy of insurance billing.